Imagen de portada para The wright's chaste wife, or "A fable of a wryght that was maryde to a pore wydows dowtre / the whiche wydow havyng noo good to geve with her / gave as for a precyous Johelle to hym a Rose garlond / the whyche she affermyd wold never fade while she kept truly her wedlok."
The wright's chaste wife, or "A fable of a wryght that was maryde to a pore wydows dowtre / the whiche wydow havyng noo good to geve with her / gave as for a precyous Johelle to hym a Rose garlond / the whyche she affermyd wold never fade while she kept truly her wedlok."
The wright's chaste wife, or "A fable of a wryght that was maryde to a pore wydows dowtre / the whiche wydow havyng noo good to geve with her / gave as for a precyous Johelle to hym a Rose garlond / the whyche she affermyd wold never fade while she kept truly her wedlok."
London, Pub. for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trübner & Co., 1865.
[Early English Text Society. Original series, no. 12]

Early English Text Society (Series). Original series ; no. 12, 84
4 p. l., 26 p. 22 cm.